Ciao ragazze!, questa sera scrivo un post per dirvi con un certo orgoglio che
The Pink Apple ha ricevuto il suo primo premio il
grazie a Carolina di
Allora con il Liebster blog award si premia il proprio blog preferito, infatti la parola liebster deriva dal tedesco e significa "amabile"
La prima regola è questa: ogni blogger che lo riceve deve consegnarlo ad altri
cinque blog con meno di 200 followers.
Le altre facilissime regole:
- Ogni blogger che riceve il premio dovrà ringraziare il blog che lo ha premiato e linkarlo;
- Copiare e incollare l'immagine del Liebster Blog;
- Ovviamente scegliere i 5 blog preferiti da premiare;
- Avvisare i cinque blogger che hanno ricevuto il premio con un commento sul loro blog
Per quanto riguarda la mia scelta, ho pensato di premiare cinque dei miei follower, che come me, hanno da poco un loro blog!:
Hello girls!, Tonight I write a post to tell you with pride that
The Pink Apple has received his first award
Thanks to Caroline of
Then with the Liebster blog award is rewarded their favorite blog, Liebster fact the word comes from German and means "lovable"
The first rule is this: every blogger who receives it must pass it to others five blogs with less than 200 followers.
The other very easy rules:Every blogger who receives the award should thank the blog that has rewarded him and link;
Copy and paste the image of Liebster Blog;
Obviously choose 5 favorite blogs to be awarded;
Tell the five bloggers who have received the award with a comment on their blog
As for my choice, I decided to reward five of my followers, who, like me, have just their blogs!
Hello girls!, Tonight I write a post to tell you with pride that
The Pink Apple has received his first award
Thanks to Caroline of
Then with the Liebster blog award is rewarded their favorite blog, Liebster fact the word comes from German and means "lovable"
The first rule is this: every blogger who receives it must pass it to others five blogs with less than 200 followers.
The other very easy rules:Every blogger who receives the award should thank the blog that has rewarded him and link;
Copy and paste the image of Liebster Blog;
Obviously choose 5 favorite blogs to be awarded;
Tell the five bloggers who have received the award with a comment on their blog
As for my choice, I decided to reward five of my followers, who, like me, have just their blogs!
Wooow grazie mille!! Domani lo farò anche io :*
RispondiEliminaxoxo Greta
grazie mille cara........una bacio :-)
Grazie mille=D
; ) grazie!!!!
"My Vanity Dreams"
Grazie !!! ; )
My Vanity Dreams
Ma grazie mille!!!! Gentilissima:)
RispondiEliminaCiao Ele grazie a te per la gentilezza bacio